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Register now for the upcoming members only webinars: Property Ownership Feb 6th; Property Insurance Feb 27th

Now is the perfect time to join SRPEI!

Anyone signing on as a member today for the still affordable rate of only $25 gets a bonus 5 months free! That's right, you membership doesn’t come up for renewal until April of 2026. Click here for more information. 

You never know what peace is until you walk on the shores or in the fields or along the winding red roads of Prince Edward Island in a summer twilight when the dew is falling and the old stars are peeping out and the sea keeps its mighty tryst with the little land it loves. You find your soul then. You realize that youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart.

Lucy Maud Montgomery

CONtact Seasonal REsidents of PEI

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